我公司为德国FISCHER公司MP0R涂层测厚仪的特级代理商/经销商! 此型号已经停产,替代型号为MP0R USB涂层测厚仪,MP0R USB是在原MP0R基础上增加了USB接口,可以方便地将测量数据下载到计算机上,具体性能请看:MP0R USB涂层测厚仪 POR|菲希尔双功能涂层测厚仪 德国FISCHER MPOR 涂层测厚仪|MP0R表面涂层测厚仪|镀锌层测厚仪 DUALSCOPE MP0R涂层测厚仪(磁性/非磁性双功能)|涂层厚度测定仪 德国FISCHER 菲希尔DUALSCOPE MP0R涂层测厚仪是一款为快速且简便测量而设计的涂层测厚仪。德国FISCHER(菲希尔)mpor涂层测厚仪这一款经济型的涂层测厚仪。MP0R涂层测厚仪(电镀涂层厚度测试仪)可以准确地和方便地在2个液晶显示器上显示镀层、涂层厚度的读数:一块大的位于前部面板,另一块位于上部面板。mpor涂层测厚仪独特的符合人类工程学设计的集成于仪器的恒压测量探头允许方便地单手操作,mpor涂层测厚仪可以进行测量数据统计评估以及在10-20 m(33-66 feet)的距离范围内将测量数据在线或离线的无线传输至计算机的内置无线电发射器。
DUALSCOPE® MP0R涂层测厚仪采用根据DIN EN ISO 2360,ASTM B244标准的电涡流方法和DIN EN ISO 2178,ASTM B499电磁感应方法,被用来测量非导电涂层在非铁金属基材上的厚度以及非铁金属镀层和非导电涂层在铁或钢上的厚度。DUALSCOPE® MP0R涂层测厚仪能自动地识别被测材料并选择适合的测试方法。
DUALSCOPE MP0R涂层测厚仪理想的适合于测量:
- 非铁金属镀层、涂层(例如:铬层,铜层,锌层等)在铁或钢上(镀锌板测厚)。
- 油漆、腊克和合成涂层在铁或钢上。 (例如:漆膜测厚,镀层测厚,覆层测厚,保温材料测厚)
- 非导电涂层在非铁金属基材上,例如:油漆涂层、腊克和合成涂层在铝、铜、黄铜、锌和不锈钢上。
- 铝的阳极氧化层。
非铁金属上的油漆、阳极氧化层、瓷漆或塑料涂层(磁性金属上的涂层) |
可以 |
铝上的阳极氧化层(非磁性金属上的涂层) |
可以 |
钢或铁上的仪器、 瓷漆或塑料涂层 |
可以 |
钢或铁上的非铁金属镀层 |
可以 |
数据储存 |
可以 |
统计计算 |
. |
打印口/RS232 接口 |
. |
无线传输 |
可以 |
可更换插入式智慧型探头 |
. |
集成恒压探头 |
可以 |
测量范围(μm) |
(0 ... 2000) |
电源 |
电池 |
重量[g] |
60 |
规格 (高 x 宽 x 深 mm) |
(85 x 64 x 30) |
The DUALSCOPE® MP0R USB is designed for quick and easy measurements. This economic instrument accurately and conveniently displays the coating thickness readings on two LCD displays: on a large front panel display and a top panel display. It features an ergonomic design with an integrated constant pressure probe allowing easy one hand operation.
The possibility of a statistical evaluation of the measurement series exists, with an integrated radio transmitter for wireless online or offline transmission of the measurements directly to a computer, up to 10 – 20 m (33 – 66 feet) away.
It also has a bidirectional USB-interface for data communication with an external personal computer.
The DUALSCOPE® MP0R USB utilizes both the eddy current test method according to DIN EN ISO 2360, ASTM B244 and magnetic induction test method according to DIN EN ISO 2178, ASTM B499. It is used to measure non-conductive coatings on non-ferrous metals as well as non-ferrous metal coatings and non-conductive coatings on iron and steel. It will automatically recognize the material to be measured and utilize the appropriate test method.
The DUALSCOPE® MP0RH USB has a considerably larger measurement range. The DUALSCOPE® MP0R USB is ideal for measuring:
- non-ferrous metal coatings (e.g. chromium, copper, zinc etc.) on steel and iron.
- paint, lacquer and synthetic coatings on steel and iron.
- electrically non-conductive coatings on non-ferrous metals such as paint, lacquer, synthetics on aluminum, copper, brass, zinc and stainless steel.
- anodized coatings on aluminum.
Hand-Held Instruments -The DUALSCOPE® Series for magnetic induction and eddy current test methods
HELMUT FISCHER offers a family of hand-held instruments with features to meet the individual requirements of customers.
The DUALSCOPE® instrument series offers the operator the ability to use either the magnetic induction or the eddy current test methods for measuring coating thickness. Coating thickness measurement on steel as well as on non-ferrous metals.
For further product information, please click on the header of the relevant product within the technical spreadsheet below. Thank you!
Paint, anodizing, enamel or plastic coatings on non-ferrous metals |
OK |
OK |
OK |
OK |
OK |
Anodic coatings on aluminum |
OK |
OK |
OK |
OK |
OK |
Paint, enamel or plastic coatings on steel and iron |
OK |
OK |
OK |
OK |
OK |
Non-ferrous metal coatings on steel and iron |
OK |
OK |
OK |
OK |
OK |
Data Storage |
OK |
OK |
OK |
OK |
OK |
Statistical Evaluation |
OK |
OK |
OK |
OK |
OK |
Printer Port/RS232 Interface |
OK |
OK |
USB interface |
OK |
OK |
Radio transmission |
OK |
OK |
OK |
Exchangeable plug-in type smart probes |
OK |
OK |
OK |
With a Separate Probe, that is permanently connected through a cable |
OK |
Integrated constant pressure probe |
OK |
Measurement Range (µm) [mils] MI:Magnetic inductive; EC: Eddy Current |
(0 ... 2000) [0 ... 80] |
(0 ... 2000) [0 ... 80] |
Probe dependent |
Probe dependent |
Probe dependent |
Power Supply |
Battery |
Battery |
Battery |
AC line connection or battery |
AC line connection or battery |
Weight [g] |
60 |
150 |
230 |
230 |
230 |
Dimension (H x W x D mm) [H x W x D "] |
(85 x 64 x 30) [3.4 x 2.5 x 1.2] |
(85 x 64 x 30) [3.4 x 2.5 x 1.2] |
160 x 80 x 30 [4.25 x 2.6 x 1.2] |
160 x 80 x 30 [4.25 x 2.6 x 1.2] |
160 x 80 x 30 [4.25 x 2.6 x 1.2] | |